Use Case

SURE is available for fees deduction of services provided by Assure, which is the privilege enjoyed by the community. SURE use cases including but not limited to,

Fees Deduction & Privileges

Part of transaction fees incurred on Assure App; Physical/virtual card fees related to AssurePay; Purchase discounts for NFTs and related products issued by Assure; Promotion discounts on Assure App or Aspace; Increase individual rate in transaction mining (decided by community votes); Higher ranking of DeFi aggregate products under the same conditions, etc..

DAO Governance

SURE will be the passport to submit proposals to participate in community building under the principles of Assure DAO. Eg., support new chains, vote for proposals.

Ecosystem Incentives

SURE is an important certificate to get airdrops from Assure ecosystem incubated projects; SURE can be staked for tokens and/or NFTs of Assure ecological partners, etc..

Deflationary mechanism

A part of Assure's net profit is planned to be used for SURE's repurchase from the second year of TGE, and the relevant details will be announced in advance in the community.

Last updated